I have been back just over a week… the tent and equipment are cleaned and put away. It took almost ten days but I have sorted and organized the photos, and posted the selection on Picasa (http://picasaweb.google.com/RandyHees/SouthWestNationalParks# ). The car is still dirty, and there are at least a couple of pieces of firewood hiding in the back.
The travel channel is on in the background. Tony has been visiting Chile… the food looks good… yesterday he was in Uruguay… the market at the port is calling.
Working on the house, working in general is still fun, but the road is calling, and I am already thinking towards the next adventure… There are several options… I am will get to Carson City for a weekend in October… it’s the Virginia and Truckee symposium… an annual history symposium… Steph (aka, “The Daughter”) has suggested Maryland for Thanksgiving… It would be expensive, and tiring, but it is intriguing. In addition to family there is Tidewater Maryland, the Chesapeake shore, and Washington DC…
We have our big trip coming up in January… a cruise from Rio to Chile, visiting Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, the Falklands, cruising Antarctica (no stops) back to southern most Argentina, then Chile… This time the sisters, and her brother and wife are joining us… a very different trip than my recent solo jaunt in the desert.
I am thinking of a trip to the Navajo National Monument… They have a couple of cliff dwellings… one a 8 mile hike in (and 8 out) the second a short 5 mile hike… or maybe Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
Another option is across Wyoming to Custer Battlefield, better known as Little Big Horn to the winners… I like walking battlefields… it gives a sense of place to stories and readings…
In the mean time I will tend my flowers, weed my garden, and if bored clean my car…
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