Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years thoughts…

I was invited to a dinner party on Dec 30th… a wonderful dinner party, with good food, and good wine, and  lots of (good) interesting conversations… The kind of conversations that make you feel like all is worth it… From a connection from Nevada Arts… 

The hostess handed out a sheet with questions… it was not clear if we were to answer them or just discuss them… at our table one answered… the rest discussed… and one question resonated… “What Did You Change this Year….”  Paraphrasing… I didn’t bring the sheet home… and didn’t transcribe it… 

And, I realize that the answer was that I remade myself…  At the end of last year (2015) I was in a failing marriage, living in the San Francisco Bay area… Retired… a house husband serving as cleaning lady and cook… and now, in late December 2016, now as I write this in early 2017, I am living in Nevada, in my new home, with a job I love… I have found new friends… friends that invite me to dinner parties… Fiends to go to lunch with… maybe friends to go on a date with… but still have the family… family in SF, in Tucson, in Virginia… Family… 

I have lost things… my close connection to the Bay Area… to friends there… but have gained things here in Nevada to compensate.

New Years was at home… but not just at home… at my nearby neighbors… they of Philippine heritage…. With Philippine food… spectacular food with their friends, now neighbors… and now I have new neighbors across the alley… My block is evolving into a neighborhood.
In the park across the street, there was a last 5K race of 2016, then a first 5K race of 2017…  all racing up the street in front of the house… 

At (near) Midnight the “Strip” and the entire valley erupted in fireworks… all visible from the balcony… All of concern to the dogs, my roommates… For the first time Miss Elliott slept on the bed, not beside… and she is not good at sharing… so I and Peaches had to work around her… finding our spaces to sleep about the dog…

Today I cut down cheap Ikea book cases… I set up the stereo… I unpacked boxes and set up shelves in the garage…  

There is more to do… Assembling the Ikea book cases… work benches in the garage… blinds for the house… landscaping… and at some point I have to go back to work…
Reports to follow… 


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