Friday, December 12, 2014

Aftermath... the day after the "BIG" storm

So the storm was a good one... bad enough to be worth being worried, but the damage was limited... we (the Bay Area) survived...   Streets flooded... There were blackouts... a Safeway parking lot flooded and turned into a kayak playground... streets and roads were closed... traffic was a nightmare... (but not as bad as it could have been... most people stayed home...)  trees fell... In the Sierra the snow level dropped, and chains were required on I-80, and Hwys 50 and 88...  Creeks rose... this morning they are still rising, still threatening...  

The best newspaper report  I have found is here...  "The Bad Reporter"

At our house, our outdoor (feral) cats are wet, pissed off and miserable...  The power blipped off a couple of times... but was only off a short time, and I never fired up the generator or had to resort to pre-ground coffee... the wind knocked the hat off the lighted Christmas penguin... Walking the dogs around the block, I got my feet thoroughly wet... my socks were soaked and squishy... (Oh, the inhumanity?)

The highlight of the storm came at 8:30pm... in the dark, with the rain still falling but subsiding... we got our mail... delivered by a mailman wearing a head lamp... The Post Office, unofficial creed is "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"... Apparently they are trying to prove it... They were not stayed...

Across the bay at the farm a couple of trees came down and hit the railroad's car house, punching a couple of holes in the roof, but happily not damaging the structure or any of the artifacts.  

This morning San Francisco Bay is glassy smooth... and covered with floating debris... driftwood, tree limbs and other stuff washed down creeks... 

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