Apparently, today, January 15th is “National Hat Day”….
As a blog which who’s name includes a reference to headwear, written by someone who frequently wears a hat, (I have a bunch) it seems that it is appropriate to acknowledge the day… For we are all about the headwear… Members of my Rotary Club using me as an example have started a “bring back the hat” movement…
But the blog isn’t really about hats…
When it started, and I had to chose a name, I choose “Too Many Hats” as a reference to too much work, too many responsibilities… It wasn’t really about the hat… the hat was an accessory… At the moment I started the blog, among my other job duties I had to attend a 3 day conference on recreation programs… (a really good conference, if ill-timed) while decorating the house… the house museum for Christmas events… many of the seminars I attended were about E-communication… Blogs, E-newsletters, social network sites… too many hats was about too many job responsibilities…
The blog (about Hats… remember, there is a blog about hats… or at least the name includes hats…) has morphed as I find my muse… mostly my muse has been travel… not hats, although hats appear often…
Christmas and family also inspire posts… particularly Christmas….
But today we talk about hats… After all, its National Hat Day
My current daily hat is an oil cloth fedora… I bought it at the San Gregorio General store during a Houston Jones concert… It was a replacement for a wool felt fedora purchased in Pisac Peru in March 2007… I left that hat in a cab in Buenos Aries a year ago… I miss that hat, but the new hat has grown on me… it has become the hat… except at work, where I ether wear a brown wool Peruvian bowler, a straw boater, or a black bowler…
For non work use, there is also a cheap white woven plastic cowboy hat… part of my uniform when volunteering for the San Jose Grand Prix… It has become my hat of choice on hikes and other hot days in the sun…
Maybe it is about hats…
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