Now home, one of the projects is to organize the photos I took… Early in the trip I posted some to Picasa and had them playing as a slide show. Uploading photos is slow with a good connection and the internet aboard ship was not good, it was slow, very, very slow… and expensive… making uploading photos frustrating at best… I soon gave up on the slide shows and just included an occasional photo in blog posts…
I took a lot of photos… probably too many photos… while on the ship I downloaded them daily to my laptop… I flipped them, and deleted about a third of them… immediately… I still ended up with about three and a half gigs of photos… neatly (or not so neatly) sorted into 15 files containing 2671 images…
Now home I am working with the photos… I will better sort them, delete a bunch, edit a few (mostly cropping) and generally get them in some kind of order… So far I have kept them in the order shot… but eventually I will break some out by subject… There are some train photos… there are penguins, penguins, and yes, more penguins… I took a lot of photos of graffiti… lots of doors and windows… I owe the Sig and the sister’s CD’s.
I am (slowly) uploading them to the web… For now I will rotate the slide show shown just over to the right… you can click on it to see the photos in a more reasonable size… eventually I will grow bored of South America and put up something else… but the photos will still be available on my Picasa page…
As I write this there are three albums up…
Photos of the Journey there including Atlanta, along with photos from Rio are found at:
Buenos Aires can be found at:
The Falklands, including Stanley, the penguins at Volunteer Point, Land mines, wrecked sailing ships and signs of the 1982 war are found at:
As I add more I will edit this post… and add them to the list… there are other photos there… from other trips, from projects, and occasionally family pictures.
As of February 9, the Antarctic Album is up... (but not done, there are 22 photos from the last day there to add) It's located at
As of February 17, the photos from Valpariso Chile are up at (and Antarctica is done)
Bye, Randy
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