Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yesterday was Solstice… winter solstice… The shortest day of the year… the moment in time when the blue planet we call home changes directions and we move from the days getting darker, to getting lighter…

For those who worship Earth as a god it is possibly the most significant holiday of the year… significant enough for the Romans to usurp it for their Christmas celebration… So the Christians have taken over the Wiccan’s, the witch’s holiday… even if sloppy and missing the day by a bit…

In celebration, I scanned some old slides… Taken as Stonehenge, on Salisbury plain, many, many years ago… August 1973. I was on a trip to Europe to celebrate graduation from high school… a grand circle trip… At the time, visitors were allowed to walk among the stones… to explore… by 1977 the stones were roped off… I generally don’t believe it the supernatural, in ghosts, in haunting… but on a couple of occasions I felt the power of place… Stonehenge was one of those places…

My background… mostly… back nearly 400 years, is English… there is some Dutch and German maybe a bit of Native American… but mostly English, and if English probably Druid… all long forgotten…

In celebration, I lift a glass of mead to the Druids… May their world survive… Merry Solstice.

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