Sunday, March 24, 2019

Joy of flying, part 2

Now 7:07...  (nearly a half hour after the plane arrived at the gate) We have a plane... we have a crew... we are on board (again)...they are waiting for the bags to be loaded (again) and for catering so we can drink (probably only water)... And for fuel... And for?... Meanwhile we sit...

7:17... The cabin door is closed... (Finally?) demonstration (again) no one is paying attention...  We are still sitting at the gate... It feels like ground hog day... Finally, at 7:23, 45 minutes after the "new" plane arrived, the safety stuff done, we push back from the gate.  By comparison  Southwest Airlines takes 35 minutes to "turn" a plane...

They tell us the flight will be 54 minutes...wheels up to wheels down, so not including taxing or misc. stuff like taking off, turning back, landing where we started from... Etc.

7:32... takeoff roll...7:33 wheels up... For a predicted landing (aka wheels down) in Jackson at 8:27....

7:42... It is just water! But they did upgrade the snack from pretzel sticks to a "stroopwafel"... A Dutch "soft toasted waffle filled with Carmel, cinnamon and real bourbon vanilla" and as Gael notes, no chocolate...  (note to self, the spell check hates the word "stroopwafel"...)

7:58... We appear to have stated or descent... Hopefully into Jackson... But with our luck who knows (now I am just being snarky).  At 8:05 the engines, cut way back... Food service is over...the seat belt sign on..

We finally are wheels down at 8:34 (not 5:11 as scheduled... )   We unload down a portable ramp on to the tarmac....   Baggage at 8:46... (Quick but not at carousel announced or expected) ... Ian on the way to pick us up… (rushing... He is hungry)

Note... though all of this the Airline staff were polite... 

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