Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's the ecconomy, stupid!

It's and old line, from several Presidential administrations ago... but seems appropriate. Local intelligence suggests we are up THAT creek without the paddle.

So, the wife, who has been packaged out this year from one employer, only to land an another, much better employer, goes to have her hair cut last Saturday... Of the people in that day only two had jobs...

I had the day off today... so I checked our collective stocks, 401k, 403k (fer us government types...) We are down about 40%... We are not into risky stocks, but I can't speak for the 401k's... That isn't allowed.

My local used book store is closing... it can't make it in this economy.

A good friend (we met at a beer tasting, we share a fondness for good scotch) sent me this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IrR3o7x1ps

I don't share all of Fred Thompson's opinions, but this is too close to home for comfort.

PS, the wife rarely wears a hat, it messes up her hair...

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